Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hello everyone!
Sadly, the blog post that I wrote before was erased. I'll have to write a new one, I suppose.

Two weeks ago was the Senior High camp, which I counseled for. It was really challenging and really good.

The last night of camp we had a lot of campers who were really broken after the message. A lot of the girls were crying; walking through camp there was just sobbing everywhere. You wouldn't believe the sort of issues many of them are dealing with. One of the girls in our cabin decided to ask God to be her Savior, which was really exciting.

One thing to pray for though is the ministry for all the students after they leave camp. Juneau is pretty lacking in follow-up camp ministry, and really in all ministries.

I went into town last weekend and explored Juneau. It was great; we attended two different churches, and I learned a lot about Juneau culture. It's a little strange: the culture up here is way different from that in "the lower 48," even though it's still in the USA. Everything is very transient- people move around a lot, so they send all their mail to P.O. boxes. They typically often change churches, houses, and just don't commit to much for the long-term.

Anyway, last week I was on work-staff. I was "Laundry Queen," so I did almost every counselor's laundry. It was gross great. It was a small work-staff, so we were really busy. But, I still had time to learn to knit! And go on a great horse ride. (I'm knitting a pair of legwarmers. They're sweet.)

My mom also sent me an awesome package with Cheez-Its, Goldfish, and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies! MMMMM. You're great, ma! And not just because you send me delicious food.

Oh! Also, there is a young grizzly bear in camp. We saw it run through a few days ago past the Trading Post. Later we saw it on the beach. A guy went out with his shotgun to either kill it or scare it, but it swam across the river before he could. So we're all kind of on tiptoe when we walk around, especially at night. There are bear poop and tracks everywhere.

This week is the second Maverick camp (that's 12-13 year olds). I'm counseling again. It was my favorite age group last time, so we'll see how my cabin goes this time!

Counselors start leaving this week, which is really sad. The rest of us leave in 16 days. I wish we could stay at camp forever. I miss you guys too though!

Love you all so much.

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