Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 17

Hi guys! This one will be kinda short, I have campers coming in the morning!

The past week was the second Bronco camp (ages 10-11). It was a challenging week. Usually, I have one or two campers who are troublemakers; this week I think I had five or six. Some were falling asleep during our discussions, two wouldn’t stop goofing off (even during prayer), and another two we suspected of coming from backgrounds of either abuse or neglect (they made some phone calls).

My co-counselor’s name was Tracy. She was fantastic, and as far as we were concerned, I feel like the week went well. The new theme was and is still Holidays. So of course, we dressed up! One day I was a reindeer, another we painted our faces to look like Easter eggs. It was great.

I do have to tell you what occurred over this week. On Tuesday night, my cabin and I were outside around 10:30 when Michael and his cabin ran by and pegged us with water balloons. There were only two: one hit me at almost point blank range in the face, and the other one burst on the wall behind me. The one that hit my face didn’t explode, so ironically we didn’t even get wet. Michael and his cabin ran away really fast after throwing them, so they didn’t see anything after that. I was dazed for a minute because I hadn’t even seen it coming. Then when we realized it was Michael, I was mad. So of course, I did what any good Christian camp counselor would do- I faked an injury to get them back.

After speaking with the camp nurse, we pretended that I had scratched my eye because it was open when the water balloon hit. I showed up to breakfast the next morning with a huge bandaid over my eye. Michael and Tyler (his co-counselor) felt awful. They apologized at least 10 times and Tyler even prayed for my eye during our staff devotions (I felt kinda guilty about that one!). Michael told me, though, that even though he felt awful, if he had the chance he would totally do it again. That sealed the deal!

That night, after lots of careful planning, we gave Michael and Tyler fake mail. (Everyone who receives mail has to dance to a song called “Grey Squirrel” in front of the dining hall to actually get it.) At the end of their dance, Tracy and I pie-ed both of them in the face with mashed potato pies. Then I triumphantly ripped off the bandaid and informed him that the entire injury was fake. I thought I had won! (And really, I did win regardless of what happened next.)

For Bronco camp, each week there is a fake crime and we have “Kangaroo Court,” where after hilarious imitation court proceedings, a few counselors or staff members are declared guilty and sentenced. Since everyone saw me pie Michael in the face and announce my faked injury, the staff decided that I was to be determined guilty of their fake crime. (I possibly should have reconsidered the fact that my retaliation made me a shoe-in for the guilty verdict.)

Anyway, I was found guilty along with another counselor and a member of a short-term ministry team. Usually, the sentence is buckets of water poured on your head. Not the most desirable, in 65 degree weather, but bearable. This week, they decided to amp it up a bit. In the end (after trying to escape a couple of times) they poured bottles of pancake syrup on our heads and then poured sand over top of it.

Now, you must remember that I have very long and thick curly hair. That was AWFUL. It took a 45 minute shower to get the majority of it out of my hair, and I still think I will have sand in my scalp for about six months.

So the moral of this story is: if you’re retaliating for a prank, don’t do it on a Bronco camp week. They might get you back. (Although, in Michael’s defense, he didn’t have anything to do with the syrup/sand fiasco.)

Oh, and I crocheted mittens! They’re kind of pot-holder-esque, but still. I learned to knit too, but crocheting is more fun.

In other news, I am counseling this week for senior high. My co-counselor’s name is Brittany. Please be in prayer for us this week. Senior High is kind of the the climax of the summer. It is a six-day camp so the kids will be here until Saturday. It’s always stressful for the program staff, but really great. (This is our second Senior High camp, and I did counsel for the last one too.)

Love you guys!


PS: My mom is great! Love you mom! :o)

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